UKCPS operates mobile anpr systems

UKCPS are Corporate Members of DMUKUKCPS are Corporate members of DMuk (formerly MOBILISE). In helping to counter disabled parking bay abuse we believe it is vital to work alongside organisations, such as DMuk, so we can fully understand the needs of disabled motorists.UKCPS are developing a working partnership with the disabled drivers' charity DMuk. Currently we are working on the following initiatives; UKCPS forge relationship with disabled motorist charity DMuk

  • 1. UKCPS are sponsoring the DMuk BAYWATCH survey. This is a major annual survey, carried out by DMuk members, of disabled bay provision and abuse. Currently it covers supermarkets but it is intended to extend to all forms of private parking. Because there is no specific legislation regarding disabled bay provision or use on private land DMuk consider it important to raise awareness of the issues with all parties.
  • 2. DMuk to give an 'employee of the month' certificate as an external reward to a member of the UKCPS team in recognition of good customer service.
  • 3. DMuk to help in the implementation of a detailed UKCPS training package for patrol officers in 'Disabled Parking Abuse'. DMuk will provide input into the training materials including counterfeit badges and correct monitoring of disabled bays.
  • 4. UKCPS are able to use DMuk's expertise to obtain impartial advice in parking abuse situations. We see this of great value in offering a fair appeals process.
  • 5. With our working partnership we are in a strong position to offer our expertise to private landowners and managing agents in all aspects of disabled parking provision including the number of bays provided and the appropriate markings on the bays and the location of bays. For example disabled bays for those people using motorised wheelchairs do not always have to be near the entrances to retail units - areas in less used parts of the car park can be used for this, releasing some of the spaces nearer the shops for mother and baby or normal parking use.
  • 6. UKCPS has hosted the DMuk 'northern forum'. These forums are an opportunity for all 'sides' in the parking spectrum to come together to raise concerns so that there is a greater understanding of all the issues surrounding parking.